Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social and emotional learning teaches students how to manage, discuss, and cope with their personal feelings, helping children become more in touch with their emotions. 


Implementing a student safety management solution can help educators learn what aspects of SEL students could benefit from practicing more. Gaggle Safety Management watches for students’ use of words or phrases in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams that could indicate harmful behavior. If a match is discovered, a team of human safety experts evaluates the content to determine whether it poses a credible threat—and if so, how serious the threat is.

Gaggle alerts school officials should students show signs of self-harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse, cyberbullying, unhealthy relationships, and other threats.

By utilizing a student safety platform within the Microsoft 365 and Teams environments, educators can identify struggling students to create a strong support system and equip them with the SEL skills they need to succeed—both in school and in life.

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